Dr Charlotte Mawbey is a Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist and Clinical Director of the UK Neuropsychology Clinic. She works both privately in the medicolegal (clinical negligence and personal injury sectors) and in the NHS and has over 10 years experience of providing specialist neuropsychological assessment and intervention to clients with brain injuries and conditions. Dr Mawbey has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, a Masters of Science degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology, a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology, and is currently undertaking the Qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology with the British Psychological Society. She is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychologist Society. She is accredited with the Health and Care Professions Council.
Dr Mawbey has a specialist interest in the assessment and management of head injury and concussion and long-term post-concussion syndrome. The research shows that early intervention can prevent the persistence of long-term concussion symptoms. Dr Mawbey works with adolescents and adults who have experienced a concussion to support with the management of return to study, return to work, return too participation in sport etc.
Dr Mawbey founded and is the Clinical Director of the Sports and Boxing Neuropsychology Clinic and works with sportspeople who have experienced a head injury or concussion as well as long-term difficulties associated with head injury including dementia, CTE, Parkinson's disease, Motor Neuron disease and other neurological and psychological changes. She also works with sportspeople who have been involved in traumatic accidents as a result of play, providing post-trauma psychological support.
Dr Mawbey is approved by the British Boxing Board of Control to complete neuropsychological assessments for boxers.
In addition to self-funding clients, Dr Mawbey works closely with case managers, solicitors/legal professionals and multidisciplinary team therapists, to provide neuropsychological services to clients who have been, or are currently involved in, medicolegal litigation as part of a personal injury or medical negligence insurance claim.
We provide community-based (client home, community or clinic room) and remote (video session) neuropsychological support to clients across London and the United Kingdom. We support clients and their wider network, including carers and families, to manage and adjust to the impact of brain and spinal cord changes on emotional wellbeing, behaviour and cognition (thinking skills including memory and attention).
We provide comprehensive neuropsychological and cognitive assessment, tailored person-centred rehabilitation and psychological talking therapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Compassion Focussed Therapy (CFT), Narrative Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), adapted for use with clients with brain injuries and conditions.
We work with clients to support the unique difficulties that come with brain injuries and conditions, including chronic pain, difficulties with sleep, mood lability, fatigue and post-traumatic stress disorder.
We also provide expert support in the areas of brain injury education, vocational rehabilitation (to support clients and their employers or educational institutions adapt to their unique needs) and in providing assessment of decision-making capacity under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
We work with clients with a range of neurological conditions, including (but not limited to:)
Concussion and post-concussive symptoms in the long term (post-concussion syndrome).
Traumatic brain injuries including diffuse axonal injury
Dementia and Alzheimer's disease
Parkinson's disease
Multiple sclerosis
Stroke and brain haemorrhages
Brain tumour
Functional Neurological Disorder (including non-epileptic seizures, functional cognitive disorder, functional movement disorders)
Cerebral Palsy
Hypoxic brain injury
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Motor Neuron Disease
Spinal cord injuries
Neuroinfections (including HIV, meningitis, neurosyphillis)
Neurometabolic disorders
Huntingdon's disease
Prolonged disorders of consciousness
We accept referrals from clients, their family members (with consent of the client), health and social care professionals including therapists, neurologists, psychiatrists, GPs and so on. To make a referral CLICK HERE
For case managers and legal professionals seeking to refer clients undergoing personal injury or clinical negligence litigation claims, please CLICK HERE to make your referral and request a CV.
Dr Mawbey provides comprehensive neuropsychological assessment for boxing professionals, including those who have been asked to complete an assessment having received a brain change on their annual MRI scans.
Dr Mawbey can provide urgent assessment at short notice. Please CLICK HERE to make a referral or click on the image below to find out more about the Sports and Boxing Neuropsychology Clinic.

Comprehensive assessment of emotions, mood and behaviour in the context of a client's diagnosis, background, values, culture and beliefs. Provision of a clear psychological summary of the main difficulties with recommendations for intervention.
Cognitive Assessment
Options for cognitive screening or a comprehensive assessment using gold standard assessment tools to provide a picture of strengths and weaknesses across a range of areas including intellectual functioning, memory, attention, processing speed, perception, language and executive skills. Summary report and recommendations provided.
British Boxing Board of Control Neuropsychological Assessment
Dr Mawbey is approved by the British Boaxing Board of Control to complete neuropsychological assessments following a brain change being found on annual MRI imaging. Dr Mawbey can turn around urgent assessments at short notice and completes these both remotely and in-person. Dr Mawbey accepts referrals from the BBBoC, boxers, trainers, promoters and other boxing professionals.
Cognitive Rehabilitation
Providing innovative, tailored and person-centred cognitive rehabilitation to support clients with changes in their thinking skills, including memory, attention, executive sills such as planning, organising and decision making. We support clients to develop compensatory strategies to support their thinking skills to minimise their impact on day-to-day life and functioning. We also consider the impact of cognition and emotions on fatigue, and how this can be best managed.
Concussion Assessment and Management
Dr Mawbey provides psychological services for all clients who have experienced head injuries, concussion or longer-term post-concussive symptoms.
The evidence shows that early intervention can support with short-term symptoms of head injury and support re-engagement in education, work, hobbies and return to play in sports. Early intervention can also avoid persistence of symptoms in the long-term.
Clients that do experience persistent difficulties often describe that they feel like they are "going mad", a feeling of "the world not feeling like it's real", dizziness, imbalance, light and sound sensitivity, psychological changes in mood, anxiety or irritability, sleep difficulties, and cognitive changes including forgetfulness, feeling slower in thinking, experiencing a "brain fog" and struggling to pay attention.
Dr Mawbey provides initial assessment of symptoms, involving cognitive testing where helpful, and works with a client to provide education around the difficulties that they are experiencing and how best to manage these.
Dr Mawbey adheres to evidence-based guidelines for concussion management.
Working with Sporting Professionals
Dr Mawbey provides psychological services including assessment, cognitive rehabilitation and talking therapy and concussion assessment and management for clients who have experienced injuries in, or difficulties as a result of, participation in sport.
This might include head injury, concussion or long-term post-concussive symptoms (feeling off balance, that your thinking is slowed, forgetfulness, inattention, struggling at work or in education, feeling low or irritable, sleep changes etc). This may also include long-term difficulties such as dementia, CTE, Parkinson's disease, Motor Neuron Disease and other neurological difficulties.
Dr Mawbey also works with sportspeople who have been involved in or witnesses traumatic accidents in sport to assist managing symptoms of traumatic stress.
Dr Mawbey works with the sportspeople themselves, as well their teams, coaches, trainers and therapy specialists involved in their care, to ensure that brain and psychological health is always on the agenda and that professionals can access fast and specialist advice, assessment and management.
Dr Mawbey also welcomes working with governing bodies to provide consultation and advice around neuropsychological aspects of health for sportspeople).
Psychological Therapies
Dr Mawbey provides a flexible goal-based approach to therapy which is focused on a client's goals and aspirations for their future.
Dr Mawbey has exertise in providing psychological therapies to support clients with brain injuries/conditions with a range of issues including (but not limited to) anxiety, fear of falling, health anxiety, OCD, phobia, panic, mood, suicidal thoughts, adjustment to limitations and changes associated with a condition. Dr Mawbey is trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and also uses approaches including Compassion Focused Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Narrative Therapy in her work.
She provides a practical approach to clients, working out and about in the community to support clients manage their emotions in the moment in different settings.
Dr Mawbey has specialist training in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, to work with clients who present with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Dr Mawbey's expertise lies in her ability to adapt these approaches to working with clients with brain injury and brain conditions to compensate for difficulties such as cognitive changes, so that each client can get the most out of the intervention. She also considers factors unique to neurological changes in her work that are common for clients, including fatigue, insight changes, adjustment to change, grief associated with a diagnosis and loss of the pre-injury self, impact on self-esteem, confidence and self identity and difficulties with sleep and managing pain and headache.
Mental Capacity Assessment
Dr Mawbey has specialist expertise in completing Mental Capacity Assessments under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 around a range of issues including (but not limited to) health and welfare decisions, need for support and care, living arrangements, financial and property affairs, litigation capacity, consent to medical procedures, social media use and consent to sexual relationships.
Dr Mawbey can prepare reports to inform multidisciplinary rehabilitation or formal reports to support application to the Court of Protection.
Dr Mawbey may also provide advice around when it is not appropriate to complete capacity assessments and alternative approaches for intervention and supported decision-making.
Dr Mawbey considers issues such as fluctuating capacity and the frontal lobe paradox in her capacity assessments. In relation to the frontal lobe paradox, she collects evidence from the wider multidiscplinary team to consider whether there is consistency in what a client describes and what they are able to action in function.
Dr Mawbey provides comprehensive reports in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 criterion along with recommendations for further intervention, including supported decision-making approaches to provide the least restrictive options to clients.
Multidisciplinary Neurorehabilitation
Dr Mawbey is experienced in working within wider multidisciplinary teams alongside case managers, rehabilitation consultants, psychiatrists, occupational theapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, dieticians, nursing staff, support workers, rehabilitation assistants and care staff, as well as insurers, solicitors and other litigation professionals.
Dr Mawbey frequently facilitates and provides Neuropsychology-led neurorehabilitation as part of a broader team and enjoys working in a collaborative manner with professionals through joint sessions, to work on shared multidiscplinary goals. She often provides consultation to the broader team, including around supporting emotions, cognition and behaviour and around issues such as insight development, suicide risk assessment and management and decision-making capacity.
Vocational/Educational Rehabilitation
Dr Mawbey works with clients who have experienced emotional, cognitive and behavioural symptoms which impact their employment or engagement in studies. She works with a client and employer where possible to make recommendations for adaptations in the workplace to support clients in maximising their vocational potential.
Dr Mawbey is able to administer a goal standard battery of tests where required, ascertaining a client's current level of academic ability in terms of reading, writing, spelling, phonological processing and mathematical skills. This provides an understanding of how brain change has impacted these skills in function, with a view to informing vocational or educational recommendations to make adaptations to the work or study environment.

Dr Charlotte A L Mawbey
BSc., MSc., DClinPsy., PGDip., CPsychol., AFBPsS., HCPCReg.
Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist
Chartered Clinical Psychologist

Qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology (QiCN), British Psychological Society (in progress)
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology (with Distinction), University of Bristol (2022)
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Royal Holloway University London
Master of Science in Cognitive and Clinical Neuropsychology and Neuroscience, University College London
Bachelor of Science (First Class, with Honours) in Psychology, City University
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, British Psychological Society
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Lance McCracken, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust
Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) Therapist, Private Sector
Clinical Director and Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, Psychologia Ltd (Current)
Clinical Director and Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, Sports and Boxing Neuropsychology Clinic (Current)
Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist and Clinical Manager/Lead Neuropsychology Community Neurorehabilitation Team, Guys and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Locum Clinical Neuropsychologist, Islington Community Neurorehabilitation Team, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust
Clinical Neuropsychology and Neuropsychiatry Team Lead/Lead Clinical Neuropsychologist, Rehab and Reablement Team, Northwast Healthcare Trust
Lead Highly Specialist Clinical Neuropsychologist and Clinical Neuropsychology Lead covering the STARRS Community Neurorehabilitation Team, Robertson Neurorehabilitation Inpatient Unit and 2x 20-bed older adult wards.
Highly Specialist Clinical Neuropsychologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Locum Highly Specialist Clinical Neuropsychologist, Jacketts Field Community Neurorehabilitation Team, West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Albany Neurorehabilitation Unit, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, University College London Hospitals
Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Neurodisability Service, Great Ormond Street Hospital
Trainee Clinical Psychologist, Specialist Feeding and Eating Disorders Service, Great Ormond Street Hospital
Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (358771)
Accredited Practitioner Psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council (PYL31401)
Full Member of the Division of Neuropsychology, British Psychological Society
Full Member of the Sports Neuropsychology Society
Associate Lecturer, Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology, Salomans University
Honorary Lecturer, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Surrey University
Contributing Lecturer, Psychological Components of Medicine, Imperial College Healthcare (2016/2017)
Encephalitis Society - "Managing Emotional Changes after Encephalitis" Dr Tara Rado and Dr Charlotte Mawbey, Psychologia Ltd

Client Feedback
Shared with permission, names omitted to maintain confidentiality
I need a quick turnaround on a neuropsychological assessment to get my license renewed for the boxing board of control. I was worried when I got a letter saying there was a problem with my brain scan. Charlotte rang me the same day I emailed and asked what the scan showed. She explained everything straight away and took my worry away by telling me all about my brain and what the brain scan meant. She saw me within a day and had the report done within a few days.
I was impressed at her boxing knowledge and understanding of boxers. She made me feel at ease talking about boxing history. She was really thorough and took my history and background into account when doing the tests. The thing I liked best is that it wasn't just a few hours in an office with a doctor I wouldn't see or hear from again. I could text or ring her if I needed anything after the assessment and also any time since, and she replies herself and is always really helpful. She gave me a one-off price for the assessment which included all the follow up and everything, so I was never charged for extras.
When it came round to having an assessment a year later she surprised me by telling me the cost was lower because she didn't need to ask me questions about my past again. She remembered everything about me and gave me a run down of all my results compared to last year as well as sending the letter to the board and helping me get my license renewed. She had kept track of my fights and career in between and asked me about these. The best doctor you can find.
I'm booking myself in to see her again to keep track of my brain in the future even if the boxing board don't need me to to make sure that if there are any early changes that I can make decisions about my career and health.
I'm an ice hockey player that had concussion symptoms that wouldn't go away. I worked with Charlotte to get an assessment and understanding about what was happening to me. It really helped and I'm now on the mend.
My diagnosis was a massive shock. Dr Mawbey was so understanding and always focused on my goals. She was interested in me and my life and after a few sessions I learnt the strategies I needed to cope with my MS symptoms and find new meaning in the "new me". Thank you, thank you.
Dr Mawbey supported my mother with a dementia diagnosis. She provided a graph of her main areas of strength and weaknesses in memory and helped us to make long term plans for the future. She was empathetic and professional at all stages and went above and beyond to make sure that we understood everything and were all ok. We don't know what we would have done without her in our corner.
Dr Mawbey helped me to cope with managing stress after my daughter was born with a neurological illness. She has helped me find comfort in my role as a mum and a loving relationship with someone that I feel like I deserve after so many years of living in darkness.
We have been working with Charlotte for several years and she has been so supportive for my daughter who she does CBT with. She supervises out support worker team who work with my daughter and has assisted us by providing advice and liaison with statutory services. She is a breath of fresh air - direct and professional while still being so friendly and approachable. Thank you for all of your help.
My family were so stuck with my grandmother who had a heart condition, preivous strokes and a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment. Everything that we were seeing didn't add up and my grandmother deteriorated and couldn't be left alone because she was so unbalanced and her behaviour was very poor. Dr Mawbey advocated for my nan and shared with us that she was concerned that she might have a rare movement disorder which can cause dementia symptoms. She referred us to a specialist neurologist and after some investigations the diagnosis was confirmed. We were able to make my nan comfortable before she died and get her the support that she needed.
Our Clinics:
10 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF
2A Prebend Street, London, N1 8PT
We provide services for clients, families and their teams from across the UK. We offer remote sessions, face to face clinic-based appointments and home visits or community-based appointments.
For British Boxing Board of Control assessments we offer appointments at our Islington Clinic (N1 8PT) or with limited availability, in Buckinghamshire.

Self Referrals and Self-Funding Clients

BBBoC Assessments, Boxers and Sporting Professionals

Referrals for treating clinician work within medico-legal/personal injury
For case managers, therapists and legal professionals requesting neuropsychology services for ongoing or settled clinical negligence and personal injury claims
Telephone: 07930243127